

Faculty of Health Sciences
CINEC Campus

PhD | MBBS – University of Peradeniya  

Faculty of Health Sciences,
Research Scores
2020 Citations 180
2020 RG score 20.37
2020 H index 7, I10 index 4
Email: menik.hettihewa@cinec.edu hettihewamenik@gmail.com


  • Former senior Professor of Pharmacology in the Faculty of Medicine University of Ruhuna with 25 years of experience in University of Ruhuna.
  • Former Founder Coordinator and course developer of the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree program Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka
  • Former and founder Technology Transfer Director, University of Ruhuna Former Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna Former national service nominee to the Faculty of Medicine in Rajarata University in 2006.
  • Former and founder Head, Molecular Science and Biomedical Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna
  • University of Ruhuna Senate member since 2007
  • Consultant for Non state sector of the Ministry of Higher Education


Dear Esteemed Scholars and Distinguished Readers,

It brings me great pleasure to address you on behalf of the CINEC Academic Journal (CAJ). As the Chief Editor, I am honored to guide a journal that has been a beacon of scholarly excellence for the past five years.

CINEC Academic Journal is a peer reviewed open access multidisciplinary journal, and the journal has not only withstood the test of time but has also flourished into a respected platform for CINEC undergraduates across all the Faculties and Department of the CINEC Campus, Distinguished academics, Researchers, and Intellectuals.

The journey we have undertaken has been marked by a commitment to quality research, rigorous peer review, and a dedication to advancing knowledge in diverse fields. It is with pride that I acknowledge the accreditation bestowed upon us by the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NSF) a recognition of our unwavering pursuit of academic rigor. CAJ is also recognized and listed under the online publication platform of National Science Foundation. Please refer www.caj.sljol.info

While marking the publication journey of successful five years, we are reflecting on the collective intellectual voyage that has enriched our community and contributed meaningfully to the academic essence and I am honestly be happy with the past achievements and as Chief Editor, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to distinguished authors who has entrusted us with their valuable research, to honorary reviewers who has provided constructive feedback, and to our readers who continually engage with and contribute to the scholarly discourse presented in our journal.

The heart of our journal beats with the passion for discovery and the dissemination of knowledge. The diverse range of topics covered in our issues is a testament to the multidisciplinary nature of the academic landscape we navigate across the field of Engineering, Science, Health Science, Management, Logistics, Supply Chain, Tourism and Hospitality, Law, Maritime Science, Maritime Technology, Marketing, English, Education, Information Technology, Aviation, and any other multidisciplinary area.

The scholar’s research and insights are the lifeblood of our journal, and we eagerly anticipate the wealth of discoveries and contemporary knowledge that the future holds. The academic community is dynamic, and so too shall be our commitment to adapt, evolve, and lead in the pursuit of excellence.

We anticipate the future with a positive outlook and a steadfast commitment to the pursuit of scholarly achievement. Collectively, let us persist in the pursuit of further exploration, discovery, and the reevaluation of the limits of human comprehension.

Thank you.

Senior Professor Menik Hettihewa, MBBS PhD
The Chief Editor
CINEC Academic Journal
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences
CINEC campus, Millennium Drive, Malabe Sri Lanka
Clinical Immunopharmacologist SLMC 11075,
Former Senior Chair Professor of Pharmacology and founder Technology Transfer Director, University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka,
h Index 8, RG index, 20.7
ORCID ID – 0000-0001-7780-0290
Email: Menik.Hettihewa@cinec.edu

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